Yamakoshi Trilogy Set (Parts 1,2 & 3)

Nishikigoi Existence 3 hours of priceless Koi material on a single DVD – the single most comprehensive and concise visual presentation of Japanese Koi ever made. Nishikigoi Existence – The Yamakoshi Trilogy is a series of 3 programs filmed on location in Niigata, Japan, over a period of 18 months and quite a few trips.

It follows the lives of some of the greatest masters of Koi ever, from in-depth interviews, through the fascinating culling process, to the pinnacle of mud pond harvesting. This limited edition box set, available for the very first time on DVD, is a fascinating insight into the Japanese Koi industry, providing a unique behind-the-scenes view of what is, and always will be, the birthplace and home of Nishikigoi.

Breathtakingly filmed and highly entertaining and informative, Nishikigoi Existence – The Yamakoshi Trilogy is something that will be treasured by Koi keepers from all over the world for many years to come. These three programs received incredible critical acclaim upon their release and have gone on to become the definitive visual work on Japanese Koi. It is, quite simply, something all serious Koi keepers should own.

Nishikigoi Existence – Part 1 The Japanese are an incredibly proud and honourable people, rarely allowing outsiders to infiltrate their unique Nishikigoi culture. The importance of these programs cannot easily be measured. Part 1 introduces the breeders of Yamakoshi to you, with unique one-on-one interviews where some truly incredible information is given. This beautifully photographed program also introduces the stunning visual landscape, at a time when the area is deep in snow and when to farm the land seems almost impossible.
Nishikigoi Existence – Part 2 It is the culling and feeding operation that dominates part 2 of The Yamakoshi Trilogy, something never before shown in a professional presentation, as the breeders select from literally hundreds of thousands of fry – Nishikigoi that in a few years time will be those of dreams. Shown in incredible close-up detail, the secrets that have remained inside Niigata are finally revealed as the breeders allow us into their operations, sharing the mysteries behind the culling of Koi.
Nishikigoi Existence – Part 3 The concluding part of the trilogy follows some of the more well-known names in Nishikigoi as they harvest their mud ponds of the Koi that have spent the summer growing. The pinnacle of the season for the breeders, it is amazing to see the unique way in which the Koi emerge from the muddy waters into the glorious Niigata sunshine. Visually spectacular, this program also features the never before seen manuscripts of the very first Koi ever to be brought from Niigata for the Tokyo Exhibition of 1914. This footage alone is worth the price itself, simply to see a unique piece of history. This program captures the spirit of Niigata like never before. Producer: New Vision Videos, Run-time: 180 minutes


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