Kusuri Klear
Kusuri Klear
Healthy Koi are now selling the New Kusuri Klear & PreCondioner filter start.
Kusuri Klear contains beneficial nitrifying bacteria essential for filters, plus denitrifying bacteria to cope with any nasty ammonia.
Kusuri Klear, as its name implies, will increase water clarity and reduces protein discoloration and foam in ponds. Kusuri Klear is a highly concentrated liquid culture and weekly use is thoroughly recommended as a filter pro-biotic that reduces Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates and soluble Phosphates.
Phosphates as well as Nitrates are the major nutrients needed for blanket weed growth, using Kusuri Klear will reduce these nutrients, suppressing blanket weed growth.
Kusuri Klear |

Kusuri PreConditioner (use with Kusuri Klear)
Kusuri PreConditioner
Used in conjunction with Kusuri Klear. Will pre-activate Kusuri Klear, in a heated container, with 1 litre of Kusuri Klear.
See Bio-Reactor kit.
1 litre of Kusuri Klear and 500ml of Preconditioner with 10 litres of pond water at 30 C for 2 to 7 days.
Kusuri PreConditioner – 500ml |
Should you require any further details or would like to order Eco Active please call on 01243 572762.