Should you find that after considerable use your valve begins to leak, the rubber seals inside your Valterra slide valve can be replaced.
To replace the seals, isolate the flow, dismantle the pipework to give you working space and undo the 4 stainless steel bolts which hold the body together and remove. On the 4” valve there are 5 securing bolts and a top self-tapping screw either side, which assists by holding the body together during reassembly. When separated, clean the valve blade, guide, stem and the seal seats and carefully coat with a silicon lubricant grease. If the valve blade is damaged, the valve will require replacing. Re-assemble in the reverse order making sure that the seals are in position on the seats. Use the top self-tapping screw to locate the central body when assembling the 4” valve.
There are two seals on each packet which will service one valve.